horsing around the pyramids

I don't gallop, I tell Mido.

Ok, he says soothingly.

We pass through the gate and into the pyramids, and it's a full five minutes before he whacks my little Arab stallion's backside, shrieks haaaaaa! And we're off! Tearing up the soft sand around the back of the Pyramids.

Mido's the owner of Desert Storm riding school, which he says has 85 horses. He started with three, 20 years ago, the story goes. Despite wearing a gelabiya that he hitches up to reveal bare legs and a little white cap, he's glued to the saddle.

After the third gallop, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Sugar, my little stallion (I didn't realise he WAS a stallion till I got off - imagine in Australia!), was off like the clappers at the first chance, had a little tanty when I wouldn't let him schmooze a fancy mare, and was a great way to circle the Pyramids which we'd done earlier in the day as I did a quid pro quo deal with them for some photos.

Here's the proof - ok, I'm a long way away but beggars etc... And here's one of Mido checking his phone...


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